ISL Big Patch v1.4 [update] by permana

note: you must install ISL Big Patch v1.3 by permana n gururupa team

features on v1.4:
1. add Coca Cola Champhionship club (18 club)
2. new faces for some players
3. fix error load on master League
4. swicth D2 League (Liga Joss or Coca Cola Championship)
5. easy install

how to install:
how to install:
just click on setup exe and wait for finish, attach to ISL2010.exe n setting.exe
and play it......

how to switch D2 to Liga Joss or Championship:
just click on ISLserver->switch D2 League/start menu->ISL Big Patch v1.4->Liga joss on ML D2 or Coca Cola Championship on ML D2

Download Link:

Diposting oleh permana_adi_wijaya Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

13 komentar

  1. eko's room Says:
  2. kq lama instalnya (not responding)...thanks

  3. @eko:
    lamanya cuman d finishing aj kang, btuh waktu 3-4 menit! Tunggu aj kang.
    Cz saat finishing installernya lagi ngetest file" yg d instal.

  4. iy kang,lama installnya.ane ngguin sampe stngh jam msh blm bisa...not responding gt kang.

  5. dah bisa skr kang meski nggunya lama...thanks bgt dah ijinn donlot grtis maju terus kang!!!!

  6. ۰ Says:
  7. anjrit . . . dah sejam nginstal ni update, kagak kelar² bro . . . emang ampe berapa jam ni . . . baidewei thanks da mau capek² ngupdate . . . saluto . . .

  8. ۰ Says:
  9. alhamdulillah . . . akhirnye selese juga . . . memang kesabaran adalah pintu gerbang kegembiraan . . . thanx om permana . . . saluto . . .

  10. Haikal Says:
  11. sama aku juga kang,,,,lama eung nginstal nya...berapa jam seharusnya kang,,,

  12. @junglehorse:
    Maaf kang mungkin agak lama!
    Liat dari comment agan" diatas, skitar 1jam.
    Di mohon sabar y kang!

  13. dadang-st Says:
  14. waduh lama kali yang ... hahaha
    gapapa sambil belajar sabar deh.. thx banget patch free nya

  15. Futebolstore Says:
  16. SALUTE! Untung gak dijual nih patch! hehehehehe... thanx bro PAW!

  17. Unknown Says:
  18. makan ubi talas...hanya Allah yg bisa balas.thanks hatur nuhun kang

  19. @all:
    terima kasih semuanya.
    Ke depan ane mw rilis yg v1.6! Doain aj supaya cepet keluar.

  20. bojes Says:
  21. kok malah eror ya dipatch 1.4 ini? knp kang?
    baju tim coca-cola chmpnship pada blank smua.


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